News(Last updated: Jan. 21, 2020)

2020 Fall~ 歡迎對實驗室研究有興趣的同學與我們連絡!。If you have interest in our research, please feel free to contact us.
2020/1/15 Congratulation! Yaseen's work is accepted by WCNC 2020
2019/9/25 Congratulation! Po-Chien's work is accepted by TANET 2019
2019/9/25 Congratulation! Kun-Sheng's work is accepted by TANET 2019
2019/9/25 Congratulation! Kun-Yu's work is accepted by TANET 2019 [Best Paper Award]
2019/9/25 Congratulation! Hsiao-Chi's work is accepted by TANET 2019
2019/9/18 Congratulation! Chao-Yu and Sod-Erdene's work is accepted by APNOMS 2019
2019/7/4 Congratulation! 第十二屆千里馬盃模擬創業競賽/決賽入選
2019/5/20 Congratulation! Chao-Yu and Sod-Erdene's work is accepted by IEEE ICCE-TW 2019
2019/4/11 Congratulation! Chitrin and Wasita's work is accepted by IEEE ICASI 2019
2019/4/11 Congratulation! Kun-Yu's work is accepted by IEEE ICASI 2019
2018/10/16 Congratulation! Liangxing's work is accepted by I-SPAN 2018
2018/7/1 Congratulation! Sheng-Zhi's work is accepted by APWCS 2018
2018/6/8 Congratulation! 博謙、昆佑、勝志、Yaseen、Game 「2018HPE AI Hackathon」:冠軍
2018/5/10 Congratulation! Yu-Feng and Hsin-Ju's work is accepted by COMPSAC 2018 (Fast abstract)
2018/4/2 Congratulation! Yaseen's work is accepted by WOCC 2018
2017/12/5 Congratulation! 亮興、勝志、博謙、昆佑 2017千里馬盃模擬創業競賽:佳作
2017/7/13 Congratulation! Chuka's paper " Using Two-Hop Neighborhood Information to Enhance Geographic Routing in Sparse MANETs " is accepted by APWCS 2017
2017/5/4 Congratulation! 大三專題生:楊庭銘、沈冠廷、鄭家期、陳怡茜 榮獲 2017全國大專校院軟體創作競賽、雲端網際服務與應用組 銀牌獎
2016/8/1 Congratulation! 承儒的論文 is accepted by MC2016
2016/8/1 Congratulation! 大學部專題生 兆庭, 承硯 的專題論文 is accepted by WASN2016
2016/6/16 Congratulation! Our three submissions (Yu-Feng, Yu-Fang, Yun-Shan) to IEEE VTS APWCS'16 are accepted
2015/11/18 Congratulation! "Car Together" 2015千里馬尋桃花源創業競賽:佳作
2015/8/1 Congratulation! 品淳 與大學部專題生 易泓, 瑞紘, 暐晴的論文:"無線視訊影像傳輸延遲的量測方法" is accepted by MC2015
2015/8/1 Congratulation! 浩荺的論文:"Messages Forwarding with Ferries in Delay Tolerant Networks" is accepted by WASN2015
2015/3/9 Congratulation! 歆儒、毓芳、皓軒的論文:"結合社群網路之智慧型公車資訊服務:設計與實作"經審核接受,即將發表在第十四屆離島資訊技術與應用研討會
2015/3/9 Congratulation! 大學部專題生 詩凱、明穎、子庭 的專題論文 "Car Together: Sharing Real-time Captured Video through Vehicles on Roads" has been accepted for IEEE ICCE-Taiwan 2015.
2014/12/9 Congratulation! 大學部專題生"謝智翔、林彥名、黃湧鈞、古欣文"榮獲2014年經濟部技術處搶鮮大賽 系統整合實作類 優秀獎
2014/09/27 Congratulation! Hung-Tsung 's thesis "Message Forwarding with Dynamic Cluster Awareness in Delay-Tolerant Networks" gets 2014 TIEEE Best Thesis Award
2014/09/09 Congratulation! 大學部專題生 林彥名、謝智翔的論文"家庭網路下影音裝置同步及內容分享機制"已被接受並會在TANET2014台灣網際網路研討會發表.
2014/08/27 Congratulation! Hung-Tsung 's paper "Message Forwarding with Dynamic Cluster Awareness in Delay-Tolerant Networks" gets 第十屆無線、隨意及感測網路研討會 Best Paper Award
2014/08/01 Congratulation! Minh Anh's paper "Using stationary Relay Nodes (Thrown boxes) to maximize Message Forwarding Performance in Delay-Tolerant Networks" has been accepted for 第十九屆行動計算研討會.
2014/06/20 Congratulation! Pin-Chuan's paper "A Social-based Routing Scheme with Human mobility Pattern in Delay-Tolerant Networks" has been accepted for presentation in IEEE APWCS'14.
2014/05/30 賀喜!大三兩組專題團隊(Car together, Catch & Share)皆獲獎:資電院專題競賽 “佳作”
2014/05/14 Congratulation! Cheng-Lung's paper "Converged Media Streaming and Playback Services across Multiple Media Devices in Home Networks " Accepted by The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE 2014), 22-25 Jun 2014 Jeju Island, Korea
2014/03/25 實驗室更名為網路計算實驗室Network Computing Laboratory
2014/03/05 恭喜秀萍的論文「適用於交叉路口環境之車輛叢集方法 」獲推薦轉刊至理工研究國際期刊。
2014/01/03 恭喜!宏宗、正倫:行動終端應用軟體創作專題競賽、第三名,2013行動終端創新應用APP競賽、佳作
2013/10/26 恭喜!正倫的論文「多媒體終端裝置之影音匯流、播放及轉置技術」獲全國計算機會議的接受。
2013/10/03 恭喜!秀萍的論文「適用於交叉路口環境之車輛叢集方法」,即將發表在2013年全國電信研討會。
2013/09/27 Congratulation! Hung-Tsung, Cheng-Lung and Minh Anh's paper is accepted by IEEE ICPADS'13 Workshop on Internet of Things Technologies
2013/09/16 Congratulation! Hung-Tsung, Cheng-Lung and Minh Anh's paper is accepted by TANET2013
2013/08/22 Congratulation! Pin-Chun's paper is accepted by IET UMedia'13
2013/06/24 Congratulation! Our two submissions to IEEE VTS APWCS'13 are both accepted
2013/06/07 Congratulation! Chih-Lin Hu, Chien-An Cho, and Po-Jung Wang, "System and Method of Mobile Content Sharing and Delivery in an Integrated Network Environment," US Patent No. 8396220 B2
2013/06/01 Congratulation! Pin-Chun's paper 耐延遲網路下社群網絡關係對資訊傳遞之影響 accepted by the 13th Symposium on Digital Living Technologies (2013 數位生活科技研討會、台灣)
2013/04/12 Congratulation! Cheng-Lun's paper is accepted by IEEE ISCE'13
2012/12/15 Congratulation! Yu-Feng's work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference 2013
2012/9/27 Congratulation! "Message Relaying with Data Aggregation for Drive-Thru Internet Services in Vehicular Networks" accepted by ICS'12
2012/9/19 Congratulation! "BitTorrent P2P 檔案系統下載端網路資源之可調式配置方法與效能實測" accepted by TANET'12
2012/8/29 Congratulation! “Erasure Coding-Based Routing for Message Multicasting in Delay-Tolerant Networks” gets IET FC'12 Best Paper Award
2012/8/25 Congratulation! “A Hierarchical Overlay with Cluster-Based Reputation Tree for Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Systems,” accepted by Journal of Network and Computer Applications
2012/7/11 賀 基於抹除編碼技術之耐延遲群播路由機制 accepted by WASN2012
2012/7/11 賀 耐延遲網路下訊息傳遞延遲時間之變異分析與路由方法 accepted by MC2012
2012/6/22 賀 2012教育部資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 行動終端應用軟體創作專題競賽、第一名、主題「Social Bus Station」
2012/6/13 Congratulation! Yu-Feng's work to appear in IET FC 2012,Xining, China, August 16-18, 2012.
2012/5/13 Congratulation! "Downloading Trace Study for BitTorrent P2P Performance Measurement and Analysis" has been accepted for publication in Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
2012/4/29 賀 100學年度教育部大專院校網路通訊軟體與創意應用競賽 「ABS」手機應用組佳作
2011/09/19 Congratulation! Zong-Xian,Kou-Fu’s work to appear in TANET2011,Taiwan
2011/06/11 賀 99學年度資訊電機學院大學部專題競賽,「The Jar」 軟體應用類佳作
2011/04/27 賀 建國百年開放軟體創作競賽學生組,「The Crock」 行動終端應用組銀牌
2011/04/27 賀 建國百年開放軟體創作競賽學生組,「Seamless Media Streaming」 行動終端應用組銅牌
2011/02/14 賀 郭子涵同學榮獲2010年中華民國資訊學會最佳碩博士論文獎佳作!
2010/09/24 Congratulation! Hsin-Cheng, Bing-Jung, Yu-Feng's work (oral paper) to appear in ICCE2011, Las Vegas, January 9-12, 2011
2010/09/24 Congratulation! Kou-Fu’s work (poster paper) to appear in ICCE2011, Las Vegas, January 9-12, 2011
2010/06/12 賀 98學年度資訊電機學院大學部專題競賽,「Mobile Social Blog 行動影像部落格」 應用類佳作
2010/06/12 賀 98學年度資訊電機學院大學部專題競賽,「Tcp performance analysis mobile Ad-hoc network」 設計類佳作
2009/11/30 Good news! Yihusn, David and Yu-Wen's work to appear in ICACT'10, Korea, Feb 7-10, 2010.
2009/11/26 Congratulation! 2009電信加值應用大賽(3G行動校園網應用組), Taiwan: First Prize!!
2009/09/09 Congratulation! Lab's Vamper project to appear in IEEE ICCE'10, Las Vegas, USA, January 11-13, 2010.
2009/07/28 Congratulation! Edward’s work (demonstration paper) to appear in ACM CIKM'09, Hong Kong, November 2-6, 2009.
2009/07/28 Congratulation! Kuo’s work to appear in IEEE PACRIM'09, Victoria, Canada, August 23-26, 2009.
2009/04/13 Congratulation! 2008 Network Communication Software and Creative Applications Contest, Taiwan: First Prize
2008/09/10 Welcome to Mobile & Pervasive Computing Laboratory !!!